Companion Magazine: A food & cultural journal from GAIL’s Bakery
From Water to Wine: The Ancient Miracle of Piquette (SLOP)
Switzerland’s Heroic Terroir: The Viticultural Superheroes of the Valais (SLOP)
The Beautiful Banality of Natural Wine (Wine & Peace)
Can Meat Actually Save the Planet? (HuffPost)
Is Natural Wine Better for the Planet? (Bon Appetit)
Decolonizing What We Eat (Asparagus Magazine)
Fruits of Labor: American’s biggest wine problem is facing a reckoning (Wine & Peace)
A Chef’s Guide to Foraging in Maine (Fifty Grande)
The New Old World: How the world’s oldest wine regions are finally making their way into the mainstream wine industry (SLOP)
The Unlikely (and Delicious) Wine of Santorini (SLOP)
What An Egg Yolk's Color Can Tell You About Its Nutritional Value (HuffPost)
Could Cows Combat Climate Change? (Asparagus Magazine)
How Sourdough Bread Is Helping People Eat Gluten Again (HuffPost)
Prague, the City of Wine? (SLOP)
Here’s Why You Don’t Feel Full After Eating Junk Food (Huffpost)
Farmers Plant a New Business Model During Coronavirus Pandemic (Inside F&B)
Summer People (Fifty Grande)
No One Should be Surprised (Cherry Bombe)
I was punched in the face for my American accent – but I still love the UK (Metro UK)
An Ode to the Detour (Fifty Grande)
If the Parsley’s Yellow (Remedy Quarterly)
What it’s like to eat raw chicken sashimi in Tokyo (Matador Network)
Three Days in the Desert (ROVA)
Anthony Bourdain’s Death is a Loss for Humanity (Free the Picnic)
I’m That Unemployed Twentysomething Living with My Family (Femsplain)
short stories + poetry
Order Us Another Tin of Anchovies (Atrium Poetry)
Dear Julia, London Fields (London Independent Story Prize 2024)
Outstanding in the Field: website copy, social media + annual event descriptions
Source Farms: SEO blog writing on food and regenerative agriculture
Revel Meat Co.: website copy + brochure
Local Milk Run: website copy + blog writing
Chups: website copy